Most Beautiful Woman In The World Ever - Rare Photos

square Photos Of Most Beautiful Woman In The World.

I don't think Angelina Jolie and Aishwarya Rai are the only most beautiful women in the world. Just because they are celebrities doesn't mean they are top gorgeous in the world. Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. My eyes and brain liked very much the unique face of Fathima Kulsum Zohar Godabari. Fathima Kulsum Zohar Godabari once a royal princess is now an official Queen of Saudi Arabia. Few days ago her photos (without niqab covering her face) were leaked on the internet and the world luckily noticed her for the first time. Her fair skinned face with grey eyes, red lips and sharp eyebrows is in a perfect symmetry. For me, she is probably the most beautiful woman in the world. Her face is simply a miracle of nature. Check out some rare photos of the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life.

Most Beautiful Woman In THe World

Beautiful Woman

Gorgeous Woman

Beautiful Queen

Fathima Kulsum Zohar Godabari

Queen Of Saudi Arabia

Beautiful Face

Beautiful Princess

square Royal Princess & Woman With Most Beautiful Face.


  1. DANGERDuMont said...

    Wow. She's amazing. I dated an Arab girl who was almost as gorgeous. It's hit and miss with a lot of races, but when Arab woman get a hit, it's a grand slam.

  2. Anonymous said...

    I don't mean to offend but I find her really ugly.
    she's an average looking asian woman and her green eyes are contact lenses. I actually prefer her with dark eyes but still I can't find her not even pretty.
    It's really strange how people's perceptions on beauty differ so much. I think Angelina Jolie beauty in her prime cannot be surpassed. There can be equally gorgeous women but not better than her in her prime. But still there are people out there who think she is ugly. so they say...
    but although I find it hard to believe they are telling the truth when they say they find her ugly sometimes I wonder if it's really not out of jealous as I can't find Megan fox or this girl for example pretty.
    our perception of beauty is a mystery!

  3. Paromita said...

    she is absolutely gorgeous....but she looks like any other upper class arabic women!

  4. Anonymous said...

    I won't lie,the woman isn't ugly.but i can't say she is the most-pretty.truth be told,the fact that people have named a most beautiful woman in the world is wrong,but angelina jolie looks WAY better than her.i don't think angelina jolie IS the most beautful,i'm sure there's better.But this one looks downright creepy.P.S.She really does look better with the darker eye color.

  5. Anonymous said...

    She is preety but she does have the appealing(attractive)look. Futhur-more it seems like her pace is conciled with thick-make-up so she is not in my top 30.

  6. Anonymous said...

    Wish we could see her without the ton of makeup on.. Everything seems to be choreographed, from the tiny mole, to the perfect complexion to the shy look.
    Sorry man, but cant really judge by these few pics if she is really that beautiful.

    Atleast Jolie, Aishwarya, or others have so many pics from all the angles and at so many different times..

  7. mrFileshare said...

    Hi Gaurav.
    Yes the princess is beautiful, but the most beautiful woman, in my eyes, is definitely
    Helen "Pepsi" DeMacque.
    I think she's unbelievable out-of-this-world cute, gorgeous and adorable, like an angel from heaven!!!
    Just imagine kissing those lips, I would probably pop a vein but die happy!

  8. Anonymous said...

    yes she is gorgeous beautiful women in this world. i love her eyes very much also her lips

  9. Anonymous said...

    Hi Gaurav,
    Sorry to say that you dont know the definition of BEAUTI. She is not beauti but TON of make up.

  10. Gaurav Akrani said...

    Hi, I would rather say, our perception of beauty differs a lot. I'm raised in and influenced by south-Asian culture and not western. I appreciate divinity in beauty over glamour. Makeup boost beauty of women and she looks awesome to me in it.

  11. Anonymous said...

    Hi Mr. Gaurav, Wow you were the photographer ? You really good than. She is cute but not most beautiful of the world. But I really appreciate you for your good picture. You made some one average girl super look. All the best

  12. Anonymous said...

    she is the miracle of make up.
    aishwarya is the most beautiful women as she is highly graceful and her eyes r simply out of this world
    abt jolie she is manly and not at all look like women and her lips r like lips of camel

  13. Anonymous said...

    Indeed she is the most beautiful woman in the world ever.

  14. saji said...

    arab women are the most beautiful women in this world. no one need to argue with that. the fact is that they dont show up with dirty dresses in public like aishwarya rai or any other celebrity.

  15. Iqbal said...

    Arabic women are most beautiful women in the world.People cannot see there beauty always there covering the face. Other all women's are nothing. When they open the face then only can see which is right. Muslim women is the most beautiful women in the world that is Allah's gift. Iqbal

  16. Anonymous said...

    سبحان الله إنه بحق جميلة بطريقة غير عادية أبداً
    أنا لا أعلم كيف تسربت هذه الصور إلى الإنترنت لكن كان حرياً أن لا تتسرب فهي فاتنة و الأحرى أن يكون هذا الإبداع الرباني مغطى بالنقاب الشرعي للمرأة المسلمة

  17. Anonymous said...

    forbidden fruit is the sweetest. since they are covered so they are valued more than other faces,its human psychology of mind which puts value in the object,so its wrong to put the tag of "beauty" only on arab women,because god never do partiality. and truth is my friend is that no matter how beautiful a women becomes but if hers character is deviant , then beauty doesn't fulfills the void.

  18. Anonymous said...

    i wish we could have witnessed real "fathima" ...but not fathima with i dunno how many kilos of make up! ...oh god ! i hate make up soooo much ! ...didn't like it !

  19. Anonymous said...

    she is very beautiful woman in the world that's it

  20. Anonymous said...

    Every or most arab women look like this ..

    Tons of weird perfume(wont even elaborate here) you cant smell thats the only difference !

  21. Anonymous said...

    Nothing special. It seems that there are lot of defects in the face which have been concealed with loads of makeup.

  22. Anonymous said...

    Use your mind !!! Everyone have their own type, not only about woman, also cars, sport, music, food, don't judge everyone else's

  23. Anonymous said...

    i think dat she has good features and yes she is beautiful no doubt in dat

  24. Anonymous said...

    A lot of make up contacts and younger than angelina

  25. Anonymous said...

    Makeup can make somebody look completely different she's is pretty though

  26. Anonymous said...

    With or without make up she is beautiful MASHALLAH

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