Factors That Determine Stress Vulnerability of the Employees

square Factors Deciding Stress Vulnerability of Employees

Some employees are more vulnerable to stress as compared to others. Stress Vulnerability of employees depends upon three main factors like stress threshold, type of person they are and their control on work methods.

factors that determine stress vulnerability of the employees

Image Credits © Anhtu

square 1. Stress Threshold - Low and High ↓

Stressors are the factors that cause stress. Stress Threshold is the degree of stressors that a person can endure before stress related symptoms occur and adversely start affecting his or her performance.

Some people with a low threshold are unable to sustain even a small level of stress. They get easily distracted, stressed-out and lose their calmness due to any slightest change or disruption in their routine workflow.

On the other hand, there are also people with a high threshold who can tolerate a high level of stress. These people are able to stay calm, maintain their coolness, adjust to any new situation and yet remain productive. They are able to do so because of their experience and confidence on their skills and abilities. However, if people with high threshold experience prolonged stress then there are chances that their performance may decline.

stress threshold

square 2. Type A and Type B People / Employees ↓

In the context to stress vulnerability, people are broadly classified into two types, viz; 'Type A' and 'Type B'.

Type A and Type B people are exactly opposite of each other.

Type A people are more vulnerable to stress than Type B.

Main charateristics shown by Type A people :-

  1. They feel guilty while relaxing.
  2. They are impatient and dislike waiting for someone or something.
  3. They quickly lose their temper and get easily irritated by minor mistakes committed by themselves or others.
  4. They often multitask and are involved in many things simultaneously.
  5. They prefer to do more activities in less possible time.
  6. They believe in continuous success and can barely withstand a failure.
Type B people portray opposite characteristics of Type As and hence are less vunerable to stress and other work related fatigue.

square 3. Employees' Control On Their Work Methods ↓

The stress of employees is directly proportional to the amount of control they have on their duties and working conditions.

Employees who are given a high degree of liberty and flexibility in doing their work are better at handling heavy work pressures. They also become more resistant to work related fatigues and stress.

Here, managers can play a very important role by permitting activities like, introducing flexible work methods for different job profiles, supporting employees to adapt new and innovative work techniques, and also encouraging the use of latest technology to boost both comfort and performance of their work.

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