Essential Requirements of a Good Control System

square 1. Focus on Objectives

The control system should always focus on objectives. It should aim to achieve the objectives of the organisation.

Essential Requirements of a Good Control System

Image Credits © Cycloptography - Good Control System.

square 2. Suitability

The control system should be suitable to the needs of the organisation.

square 3. Promptness

The control system should be prompt. That is, it should find out the deviations quickly. This will help the management to correct the deviations quickly.

square 4. Flexibility

The control system should be flexible. It should change according to the changes in plans, situations, environments, etc. A rigid control system will always fail. Hence flexibility is necessary for a control system.

square 5. Forward Looking

The control system should be forward-looking. It should forecast the future deviations. That is, it should find out the deviations before it happens. It should also take steps to prevent these future deviations.

square 6. Economical

The control system should be economical. This means the cost of the control system should not be more than its benefits.

square 7. Simplicity

The control system should not be complicated. It should be easy to understand and simple to use. Those who are going to use the control system should understand it clearly and completely.

square 8. Motivating

The control system should be motivating. That is, it should give more importance to preventing the mistakes and less importance to punishing the employees. So, it should encourage, not discourage the employees.

square 9. Suggestive

The control system should be suggestive and it should give complete answers for the following questions :-

  1. What is the Problem?
  2. Where is the Problem?
  3. How to solve the Problem?

square 10. Proper Standards

The control system should have proper standards. The standards should be very clear. They should be definite, verifiable, specific and measurable. They should not be too high or too low.

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