How To Make Matrix Organisation Effective?

square How To Make Matrix Organisation Effective?

The matrix organisation can be made effective by adapting following points:-

how to make matrix organisation effective

1. Clarity of Roles

The roles of the functional managers and project managers must be clearly defined. The functional manager has authority for technical matters. The project manager has authority for coordinating and controlling the job.

2. Proper Team Selection

The matrix team must be properly selected. Each member must have good skill and experience. They must be experts in their jobs.

3. Regular Meetings

There must be regular meetings between the functional managers and the project manager. This will lead to better co-ordination.

4. Data Processing

Data Processing must be done. That is, data must be collected and processed quickly. This will result in quick decisions. This will make the matrix organisation successful.

5. Proper Training

The matrix team members must be given proper training. They must be educated and trained to work in changing environments. When the project is started and completed, they suffer from frustrations, emotional disturbances and loss of motivation. All this can be removed by giving them proper training.

6. Good Team Spirit

There must be a good team spirit in the full project team. If this spirit is absent, the organisation will fail.

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