Disadvantages of Flexible Manufacturing System FMS

square Disadvantages of Flexible Manufacturing System FMS

The disadvantages of a flexible manufacturing system FMS is depicted below.

disadvantages of flexible manufacturing system FMS

Limitations or disadvantages of flexible manufacturing system are as follows:

  1. FMS is a complex system.
  2. Requires highly skilled technicians.
  3. Needs high level of planning.
  4. Demands high initial investment.

Let's discuss each disadvantage of Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS).

1. FMS is a complex system

Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) is a very complex system. It is not easy to understand and use it.

2. Requires highly skilled technicians

FMS requires highly skilled technicians to operate the complex machines. Secondly, it is also very difficult to repair these machines. Hence employing and/or contracting a small group of highly skilled technicians to operate and maintain FMS becomes mandatory.

3. Needs high level of planning

FMS needs a high level of planning and a more disciplined environment than other production systems.

4. Demands high initial investment

FMS demands a high initial investment. As a result, only those businesses that have huge capital can afford FMS and implement it. Small businesses cannot afford such a large initial investment and therefore, seek alternate systems of production.

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