Nine Advantages of Delegation

square 1. Delegation helps Superior focus on Challenging Jobs

Under delegation, a superior (boss) delegates his less important duties, routine tasks and monotonous work to his subordinate (junior). He can then use some of his available free time to focus on other significant matters, important assignments and challenging jobs that are in pending. It saves his precious time and makes him more productive and efficient towards his job commitment. This overall benefits the performance of the organisation.

advantages of delegation

Image credits © Gaurav Akrani.

square 2. Delegation leads to Quicker Decisions and Actions

If there is a delegation of authority, it helps to make quick decisions and actions. It is so since; precious time is not wasted or lost in repetitively consulting the superior on routine matters. A subordinate is free to act within the limits of his delegated authority and there is no need to ask a superior again and again. It speeds up the decision-making and task execution.

square 3. Delegation Trains, Develops and Prepares Juniors

Delegation sets up a training and development platform for juniors. It gives them opportunity and freedom to tackle challenging tasks. It helps them to take decisions and actions. It also helps them to earn a valuable experience from the work. It prepares them to face confidently newer challenges in future. This overall enhances and develops their set of skills needed for a successful career.

square 4. Delegation Boosts Morale of Juniors

When there is a delegation of authority, subordinate gets a chance to prove his abilities to superior. He sincerely starts working hard to accomplish the task delegated to him. After completing the assigned work, if he manages to impress his boss, it automatically raises his confidence or morale. He soon starts trusting more his abilities (skills). He also tries to give his best job performance. This overall improves his feelings not only towards his superior but also towards work and the organisation.

square 5. Delegation Motivates Subordinates

The delegation is necessary as it acts as a factor of motivation for subordinates. When superior praises his junior for properly doing a delegated work, it motivates him. It makes him feel good about himself. It stimulates him and makes him ready to give his best for the next upcoming task. It makes him more productive and efficient to even handle a difficult job. It inspires him to keep improving his skills. Motivated employees bring success to the organisation.

square 6. Delegation Leads to Better Results

In delegation, superior is not consulted again and again by his subordinate on matters already delegated. Instead, the subordinate has a full authority to handle an assigned task as per his ability. He is free to take decisions without regularly receiving a confirmation from the boss. Since decisions are made only by those who perform the job, a lot of time is saved and communication gap minimised. Quick decisions improve performance and eventually leads to better results as expected by the organisation.

square 7. Delegation Improves Superior-Subordinate Relationship

When a superior delegates an authority, it indicates that he trusts and understand the potential of his subordinate to handle and complete a particular task. When junior completes the assigned work as per expectations, it shows that he clearly knows the requirements of his boss. Thus, the act of delegation helps them understand each other and contributes towards improving their relationship.

square 8. Delegation Develops a Team Spirit

Delegation develops a team spirit in the organisation. It enables superior and his subordinate to work together as a team. Superior leads the team like a captain by delegating smaller chunks of duties. Whereas, the junior accomplishes the assigned jobs like a sincere and disciplined soldier. This overall results in higher efficiency, productivity and profitability.

square 9. Delegation is Key to Successful Organisation

Within an organisation, delegation brings people together. It helps them to share responsibilities for achieving a common goal. It maintains their interest and enthusiasm. It enhances their leadership skills. It gives them work satisfaction. It helps them see each other develop and grow. It creates a progressive environment in the organisation. Without it, people won't come together and remain isolated from each other. Therefore, it is the key to a successful institution.

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