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Difference Between Recruitment and Selection Process

square 1. Definition

According to Edwin Flippo,

"Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation."

According to O. Donnell,

"Selection is the process of choosing from among the candidates, from within the organization or from the outside, the most suitable person for the current position or for the future poistion."

Difference Between Recruitment and Selection

Image Credits © The University of the West Indies.

square 2. Steps

Recruitment involves few steps.

Selection involves many steps.

square 3. Major Factor

In recruitment, advertising the job is a major factor.

In selection, final selection of a suitable candidate is the major factor.

square 4. Purpose

The purpose of recruitment is to attract maximum candidates to the organisation.

The purpose of selection is to select the most suitable candidate and to reject the other candidates.

square 5. Staff / Line Function

Recruitment is done by the personnel department. The personnel department consists of staff officers. So recruitment is a staff function.

Selection is done by the particular department which has a vacancy. So selection is a line function.

square 6. Time required

Recruitment is a short process. It requires less time because it only involves few steps. All these steps can be completed very quickly.

Selection is a lengthy process. It requires a lot of time because it involves all the steps in the Selection procedure. All these steps are very time consuming.

square 7. Help from Experts

Recruitment is a simple process. It does not require help from experts.

Selection is a complex process. Experts are required to conduct the test, interviews, etc. Psychologists are required to conduct written tests. Subject experts are required to conduct interviews. Similarly, Doctors are required to conduct medical check-ups, physical fitness, etc. So different experts are required for different steps in the selection procedure.

square 8. Cost Factor

Normally, Recruitment is not expensive. It mostly involves only advertisement cost.

Selection is very costly. This is because a lot of money is spent on conducting different types of tests, interviews, medical examinations, etc. Similarly, the experts who conduct selection procedure are paid very high fees. This makes selection a very costly process.

square 9. Subjective / Objective

Recruitment is objective in nature.

Selection is subjective in nature. So there are more chances of favouritism and bias in a selection process.

square 10. Order

Recruitment proceeds with a selection. That is, recruitment comes before selection. Recruitment provides the candidates for selection.

Selection follows recruitment. That is, selection comes after recruitment. Selection is done from the candidates who are provided by recruitment.

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