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Relationship Between Production Planning and Control

Relationship Between Production Planning and Control

Production planning and control are closely related to one another. They go hand in hand and are supplementary in character.

Ten points explain the relationship between production planning and control:

relationship between production planning and control

Image credits © Prof. Mudit Katyani.

  1. Meaning.
  2. Goals.
  3. Course of action.
  4. Work performance.
  5. Operations.
  6. Resources.
  7. Directions.
  8. Weaknesses.

Let's discuss “How production planning and control are related?

1. Meaning

According to Ray Wild,

“Production planning is concerned with the determination, acquisition and arrangement of all facilities necessary for future operations.”

Fixing goals of production and estimating resources required to achieve this goal is called production planning. It forecasts individual step in the production process. It helps to achieve production goals effectively, promptly and economically.

According to James Lundy,

“The production control function involves the co-ordination and integration of the factors of production for optimum efficiency.”

Production control is done after production planning. It implements the production plan. It directs, co-ordinates and controls the production. It helps to achieve the production goals. It helps to have maximum production at minimum cost. It also helps to have timely delivery of goods.

2. Goals

  1. Production planning fixes the goals for production.
  2. Production control achieves these goals.

3. Course of action

  1. Production-planning fixes the plans, strategies, etc.
  2. Production control puts these plans, strategies, so on; into action, i.e. it implements the plans, strategies, etc.

4. Work performed

  1. Production planning decides who should do the work and when.
  2. Production control ensures that each department complete its work on schedule.

5. Operations

  1. Production planning decides the operations which are required for production.
  2. Production control regulates and supervises the operations required for production.

6. Resources

  1. Production planning estimates the resources that are required for production.
  2. Production control makes available resources that are required for production.

7. Directions

  1. Production planning shows the directions.
  2. Production control follows these directions.

8. Weaknesses

  1. Production-planning makes modifications (changes) in the production plans to remove the weakness in the production process.
  2. Production control collects information about the production process. It finds out the weaknesses in the production process and informs the production planners about it.


The process of production planning and control is a continuous one. Since, control starts where planning ends and planning starts where control ends.

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