Factors Affecting or Influencing Decentralisation
Factors Affecting Decentralisation
The ten important factors affecting or influencing decentralisation are:-
1. Size of the organisation
Large organisation makes a lot of decisions. Their decisions are taken at different levels. So large organisations are more decentralised. Small organisation makes few decisions. All their decisions are taken at the top level. So small organisations are less decentralised. Thus, we can say, the bigger the organisation, the more the decentralisation and vice-versa.
2. Cost and Importance of decisions
The most costly and important decisions are made by the top level of management. So, there is less decentralisation of costly and important decisions. Thus, we can say, the higher the cost and importance of the decision the lesser the decentralisation and vice-versa.
3. Uniformity
If the management wants more uniformity, then there will be more centralisation and less decentralisation.
4. History of organisation
An organisation which expands from within has more centralisation. For e.g. Henry Ford made most of the decisions for Ford Motors. However, an organisation which expands with the help of business combinations has more decentralisation.
5. Management Philosophy
The management philosophy also influences decentralisation. If the management wants to make all the decisions themselves, then the organisation will be more centralised and vice-versa.
6. Availability of efficient managers
If more efficient managers are available, then there will be more decentralisation. However, if there is a shortage of efficient managers then there will be more centralisation.
7. Control Systems
If there is a good control system in the organisation, then there will be more decentralisation. This is because authority cannot be decentralised and delegated without proper control techniques.
8. Types of Business
If a business is old and slow moving, then it will have more centralisation. However, if the business is new and fast moving, then it will have more decentralisation.
9. Branches of organisation
If an organisation has many branches at different places, then it will have more decentralisation. However, if the organisation does not have any branches, it may have more centralisation.
10. Type of organisation
Joint-stock companies are generally more decentralised compared to sole trading concerns and partnership firms.
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