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Child Labour in India Pictures - Photos of Child Labour in India

red square Child Labour in India Exist - Photos of Child Labour

Child Labour is still prevalent in India. Following photos speak the harsh reality of poor Indian children who are forced to work because of poverty, hunger and fear. Most of them are school dropouts who work for at least 12 hours daily to feed themselves and their families.The Lost Child's Innocence.

Child Labour in India

Childern Working On Drill Machine

Child Polishing Utensils In A Factory

Child Selling Roses On Street of Mumbai

Girl Child Scavenging Garbage

Child living in Misery

Child Construction Worker

Child Labourer

Child Labour

Children Working In Factory

Girl Child Working

Exhausted Child

red square Forced Child Labour In Free India - Youtube Videos

red square Child Labour a glaring social issue of Modern India.


  1. Anonymous said...

    this is truly bad...............we indians never succeed if it remain as it is...............

  2. Child Labour said...

    Hello Gaurav,

    These are tragic photos of Child Labour In India.

    You can read more about Child labour on Following Websites.

    Child Labour On Wikipedia.

    Child Labour Article On Wikipedia

    India's Child Labour Project.

    National Child Labour Project

    Anju Mishra.

  3. Anonymous said...

    Anju! Thank you for giving us official link of labour.nic.in.

    By the way your link is not working. The correct updated link to National Child Labour Project is...

    Government of India's - National Child Labour Project

    Venu Gopal.

  4. Anonymous said...



  5. Gaurav Akrani said...

    This happens because most Indians ignore whats happening in our modern India. We're more interested in admiring movie and sport stars than accepting and fixing social issues of our nation.

  6. Anonymous said...

    yes i also think that nowdays we are very busy in our work and progress. we forgot what was poor people do. because we have some our family background we perform nicely but what about poor pople.

  7. Anonymous said...

    Indians are in general very selfish and have no compassion other than for their own kith and kin. Majority of them do not hesitate to exploit the poor children for their benefit. I do see my neighbors bringing children to take care of their children. It is so sad.

  8. Saying just Indians are selfish will do nothing,we need 2 raise our voice 4 these helpless people and if we all together join our hands we will definitely change it.So its a request 2 each individual come together and change the future of these helpless children for the development of our own society.

  9. Dr. Usha Dixit said...

    we all should stand up together against such an inhuman act of child labour prevailing in our society.

  10. Anonymous said...

    Hey why the world is like this please open the eye government plz and save the poor children still suffering the problm plz

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