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Organizational Structure of Indian Capital Market - Chart

square Structure of Indian Capital Market with Diagram

Broadly speaking the capital market is classified in to two categories. They are the Primary market (New Issues Market) and the Secondary market (Old (Existing) Issues Market). This classification is done on the basis of the nature of the instrument brought in the market. However on the basis of the types of institutions involved in capital market, it can be classified into various categories such as the Government Securities market or Gilt-edged market, Industrial Securities market, Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) and Financial intermediaries. All of these components have specific features to mention. The structure of the Indian capital market has its distinct features. These different segments of the capital market help to develop the institution of capital market in many dimensions. The primary market helps to raise fresh capital in the market. In the secondary market, the buying and selling (trading) of capital market instruments takes place. The following chart will help us in understanding the organizational structure of the Indian Capital market.

Structure of Indian Capital Market

  1. Government Securities Market : This is also known as the Gilt-edged market. This refers to the market for government and semi-government securities backed by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
  2. Industrial Securities Market : This is a market for industrial securities i.e. market for shares and debentures of the existing and new corporate firms. Buying and selling of such instruments take place in this market. This market is further classified into two types such as the New Issues Market (Primary) and the Old (Existing) Issues Market (secondary). In primary market fresh capital is raised by companies by issuing new shares, bonds, units of mutual funds and debentures. However in the secondary market already existing i.e old shares and debentures are traded. This trading takes place through the registered stock exchanges. In India we have three prominent stock exchanges. They are the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE), the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Over The Counter Exchange of India (OTCEI).
  3. Development Financial Institutions (DFIs) : This is yet another important segment of Indian capital market. This comprises various financial institutions. These can be special purpose institutions like IFCI, ICICI, SFCs, IDBI, IIBI, UTI, etc. These financial institutions provide long term finance for those purposes for which they are set up.
  4. Financial Intermediaries : The fourth important segment of the Indian capital market is the financial intermediaries. This comprises various merchant banking institutions, mutual funds, leasing finance companies, venture capital companies and other financial institutions.
These are important institutions and segments in the Indian capital market.

square SEBI Regulates Indian Capital Market

For the smooth functioning of the capital market a proper coordination among above organizations and segments is a prerequisite. In order to regulate, promote and direct the progress of the Indian Capital Market, the government has set up 'Securities and Exchange Board of India' (SEBI). SEBI is the supreme authority governing and regulating the Capital Market of India.

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