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Good Email Etiquette To Follow In Business Organisation - Tips

square Email Etiquette In Business Organisation

Today, in a business organisation, email messages are required. Their mode varies from traditional model. One must remain alert while sending email as inappropriate, incomplete, ambiguous email may hinder smooth communication. Hence, one has to follow proper method while sending and reading emails. And ask for clarification to avoid any dispute.

Good Email Etiquette

Most of the companies are using emails considering wide range of work and constant mode of reporting. Since, frequent meeting, reporting and feedback is required, people who are using emails are not able to follow rules and regulations of business letter-writing. emails do have their own limitations and strengths. Short forms, signals, symbols that are used, vary from company to company. They are altogether different from the language that we use in letters and face-to-face communication. These new signals, symbols, short forms must be used by considering reader's knowledge and availability of resources. We cannot express all feelings via emails. Feelings such as humour, irony are reproduced by using alternative resources.

square What is Netiquette?

Etiquette related to internet culture or network-culture, is known as Netiquette.

square Good Email Etiquette To Follow ↓

One must know good email etiquette. Following are few good email etiquettes which are essential to improve communication.

  1. Check your organisation's email policy before sending or reading emails.
  2. Frame proper content before sending email.
  3. Follow principles of a business letter writing and be polite wherever necessary.
  4. Be concise.
  5. Include subject line in your message. It must be self-defining and self explanatory.
  6. Segregate each section of message and be punctual.
  7. Be patient while sending or receiving message.
  8. Delete irrelevant, unwanted data immediately.
  9. Use attachment option, if required.
  10. Use options such as bold. Italics, star, and others to emphasize.
  11. Try to read message as intended by sender.

square Bad Email Etiquette To Avoid ↓

  1. Don't reply to unnecessary email.
  2. Don't reply when you are angry. Be cool, think and send proper message.
  3. Don't use unparliamentary language while sending emails.
  4. Don't send email on website address or other public parts of the internet.

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