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Importance of Organisation in Building Management Structure

square 1. Facilitates Efficient Management

A good organisation avoids confusion, delays and duplication of work. It increases the promptness and efficiency, and it motivates the employees to do their best. All this results in efficient management. Thus, we can say, good organisation facilitates efficient management.

Importance of Organisation

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square 2. Optimum Utilisation of Human Resources

A good organisation facilitates division of labour and specialisation. It helps in selecting the "Right person for the right Job." It clearly defines the authority and responsibility of each employee. It also motivates them to do their best. All this results in optimum utilisation of human resources.

square 3. Helps in Growth of Enterprise

A good organisation helps in the growth, diversification and expansion of the enterprise. Today's big and giant enterprises are the results of their best organisation.

square 4. Utilises Science and Technology

A good organisation utilises the benefits of science and technology. It provides the industries with the latest machines. It provides the consumers with the latest products. This results in cost reduction and maximum satisfaction.

square 5. Facilitates Co-ordination

A good organisation co-ordinates the activities of different individual, groups and departments in order to achieve the objectives of the business.

square 6. Encourages Creativity, Initiative and Innovation

A good organisation encourages creativity in the enterprise. This results in brings new ideas, imaginations, visions, methods, etc. It also encourages initiative and innovations.

square 7. Motivates the Employees

A good organisation provides the employees with a better working environment, good remuneration, reasonable freedom, etc. All this results in job satisfaction for the employees. So a good organisation motivates the employees to give good results.

square 8. Facilitates Delegation of Authority

A good organisation facilitates delegation of authority. That is, the top executives can keep the important work for themselves, and they can delegate (surrender or give) the less important work to their subordinates. This encourages the subordinates to develop leadership qualities and to achieve the objectives of the business.

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