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Guidelines for Determining Performance Dimensions

Guidelines for determining performance dimensions

Guidelines for determining performance dimensions are depicted below.

guidelines for determining performance dimensions

The dimensions of performance must be as follows:

  1. Performance dimensions (Quantity & Quality) must be fixed in advance.
  2. Dimensions must be clearly defined and easily understood by employees.
  3. They must be consistent with the image or goodwill of the company.
  4. Quality standards must be laid down even for inputs.
  5. Workers must be properly trained about performance dimensions of company.
  6. Mission statement and philosophy of an organization must include it.

Now let's discuss guidelines for determining performance dimensions.

1. Fixed in advance

Performance dimensions about quality and quantity must be specified or fixed in advance. This will guide the employees because they know exactly how much quality and quantity of output they have to produce individually and collectively, before they start making the goods.

2. Clear and easy to understand

The shape, size, quality, weight, etc. must be clearly defined. It must be simple and easy to understand for the employees who will implement it. Implementation will be effective only if the employees understand the performance dimension.

3. Consistent with image

Performance dimensions, whether quantity or quality depends on the image or goodwill of the company.

For example, a mineral water company focuses on quality by highlighting the seal of the cap nf the bottle to remove doubts that the bottle may be refilled.

4. Quality standards for inputs

If the performance dimensions for output have to be achieved it is necessary to fix standards for inputs. The suppliers must be informed about the quality standard for raw material.

5. Training of performance dimensions

It is necessary to train the workers about performance dimensions of the company. This will help them to work effectively towards achieving organizational and individual goals.

6. Must be in mission statement

Performance dimensions must be included in the mission statement and philosophy of the organization.

For example, a mission statement of a college can focus on providing good quality of education. This must be shown in the policies, programs, courses, etc. of the college.

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